SEO training in today’s digital world is an issue that has occupied many minds. Your presence on this page and your decision to read this article indicate that you understand the importance of site optimization for search engines and are aware of the need for it to grow your online business. Everyone starts from scratch to become a professional in a field. But where and how to start learning SEO can be a bit confusing. By reading this article, you will find out which training is more suitable for you and what points you should pay attention to.


What is SEO?

Before we get into how to teach and learn SEO, we need to know what SEO is and what we are going to teach. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and means search engine optimization, which we know as SEO. SEO is the improvement and promotion of a website in a way that increases the number of visitors it receives from search engines. This increase in the number of visitors is basically directly related to the ranking of that website in the search engine results pages.

Simply put, people create a website that attracts an audience. These contacts eventually become customers of the products or services of the websites. But how many people click on the website link on the sixth page of search engines? It is clear that the number of visits to the website on the sixth and seventh pages is in no way comparable to the websites on the first and second pages. This improvement in the status of the site and the promotion of its ranking to the first pages is called SEO.

Now, this optimization and improvement of the website includes various and wide angles and dimensions. From the words you use in writing your website content to how other sites treat your website, they are crucial in SEO and optimizing your site.


Why is learning SEO important?

Due to the advancement of technology and its connection with the human lifestyle, most of our daily activities have taken on a digital form and in the near future, there will be nothing left that we can do without the Internet. Man always seeks comfort and convenience. If you were asked if you would rather go to the grocery store to buy the food you need or have it delivered to your door without bothering yourself, which one would you choose?

Needless to say, with the digitalization of lifestyles, businesses will also become digital. Working in the Internet and the web environment has a different story from the routine of traditional businesses. In online businesses, your customers are people who have never heard of you before and who do not even live in your area. Search engines allow you to find new audiences.

If we consider your site as a destination, search engines are the roads that get people there. For example, if you are a shoe seller, search engines will direct people looking to buy shoes to your website. So, if you can get your website to the first page, you will have many incredible opportunities.

It should be clear how important and necessary SEO training and learning is in today’s world. Having a valuable, profitable and reputable site cannot be achieved without having the knowledge and skills of SEO and site optimization. But where and how should we start teaching and learning SEO?

Local SEO


Where to start SEO training?

The good thing about SEO training is that there is a lot of information available to learn it. If you do not know where to start, this breadth of information will make your job very difficult and confusing. By following the steps below, you will know how to start SEO training.


Step 1: Study, study, and study again

The best way to teach SEO and site optimization is to study. To do this, you must first find a resource for beginners. If you are looking for SEO tutorials on the Internet or you are planning to prepare a book, make sure you start with the basics and basics first. What is certain is that no one wants to know when you are about to start work that you have left out some tips and needs during your training.


Step 2: Practice, practice and practice

If you can not apply the knowledge you have acquired, you have not been able to learn the SEO training. Just like any other activity or business, the more you practice in the SEO learning process, the better your results will be. You need to keep in mind that what you read on websites is something that other people have learned to do.

But is there a way we can put what we have learned into practice? The best option is to practice on a website. If you do not have a website for this purpose, you can easily create and manage a website using the WordPress tool. Having a domain for yourself helps you understand the impact and importance of each SEO and site optimization technique. You can also use project-based tutorials. These tutorials will help you become more involved with the skill and gain a more concrete understanding of real-world SEO operational problems and solutions.


Step 3:Find a coach

Remember that there is always someone smarter and better at work than you are on this planet. This means that even if you are a master of SEO, there are still things you do not know and there are people from whom you can learn these things. You may encounter problems during SEO training that you can not find solutions to on the Internet. In this case, you need the guidance and advice of experts. So try to identify experienced people who are experts in this field and use their experiences.


Step 4: Become a member of the SEO team

This is one of the best tips that can be given to people who are looking for SEO training and learning. Just as if you want to be a good gardener you have to sit and stand with the gardeners, if you want to be a good SEO you also need to get up and down with the SEOs. Joining a group of SEOs will help you a lot in becoming a professional SEO.


Step 5: Be aware of what is happening in the SEO world

One of the important points in teaching SEO techniques is their variability. The world of SEO is constantly changing and updating. So you need to keep your information up to date. One of the best ways is to follow the activities of experts on websites and social networks such as Instagram. Here’s a few clicks: You use other people’s experiences, you are notified of tool updates, and you will be notified as soon as new algorithms are made.


Step 6: Repeat the first and second steps

There is no end point in learning SEO and digital marketing. Fully following all these steps and determination will ultimately lead you to success. Learn, practice, and repeat site optimization or SEO. If you stop reading, you are more likely to miss something important. SEO training does not make sense if you stop practicing what you have learned. Keep rehearsing it until you can say it with conviction and confidence. Remember that every great adventure begins with one step.



What resources can be used to learn SEO?

If you want to learn site optimization (SEO), you have to read a lot. There are many things to learn. In fact, the best and most successful SEOs are the ones who are constantly updating their information. Because the only thing that is constant about SEO is its variability. Unfortunately, the web is such that anyone can easily create a site and claim to be an expert. But despite the lack of SEO training resources, there are also websites that offer credible and credible training to their audiences. So, whenever you read something on the web, remember this sentence: Do not believe everything you read.

That’s why admin has tried to make a list of some reliable resources for you dear ones to make sure you do not use unrealistic tips and tutorials that will damage your site SEO.

One of the best and reliable Persian language resources for learning SEO skills is the admin site. Admin always specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and solutions to increase sales and productivity of digital businesses and provides a lot of valuable content in the form of educational articles and various videos to its audience.

Among the reliable English sources, the following can be mentioned:

Search Engine Journal
Search Engine Land
SEMrush Blog
Yoast SEO Blog

SEO learning resources


What is the difference between free and paid SEO training?

Are free resources enough to learn SEO? Is it possible to get zero to one hundred SEO training from free resources?

What is certain is that search engine optimization (SEO) is a very broad category that cannot be considered extreme. In this area, whoever spends more time and energy, will gain more expertise. In other words, experience is a prerequisite for learning SEO. The only thing that makes the difference between buying SEO training or free training is the issue of time. If you do not have experience working in this field, you will have to spend years getting it. While you can buy these experiences from experts who went this way many years ago. In general, capital can be considered two things: time and money. However, you do have to invest in your goal.


But what training is worth buying? Is there a difference between sales training?

We first need to make it clear that we have money training rather than money to learn SEO.

Fortunately, you can find almost everything you need to know about SEO and site optimization for free on the web and in the resources mentioned. (Of course, this requires you to be fluent in English.) But unfortunately there are people who collect the same free information and sell it in their own name.

As we said before, no one specializes in SEO techniques without practicing them. SEO is a very extensive and time consuming process that requires a lot of experience to fully learn. So what you need to consider about the experts who sell SEO training is experience

And it’s their resume. Certainly not every monetary training is worth the money.

If you are worried about buying SEO training and you are not sure about the content of the available training, we are proud to offer you a comprehensive course on managed SEO magic. This course is updated every year in line with the latest changes in the web world and has been the most popular SEO training course ever. The project-oriented topics and strategies you will learn in this course will be most productive for you. In addition, for the comprehensive course of the administrator SEO magic, there is strong and good support for answering the participants’ questions, which leaves no room for concern.

How difficult is it for a beginner to learn SEO?

Search engine optimization, or SEO in short, is not as difficult as some people think. If you have a good understanding of how search engines work, learning SEO will not be difficult for you. It’s the terms and concepts of SEO and its technical aspects that seem difficult. Otherwise, it has simple principles that can be learned through repetition and practice. The difficulty is the effort and practice that one has to endure. All you need is interest and time.


How long does it take to train from zero to one hundred SEO?

How long it takes you to learn SEO professionally and advanced depends on many factors, including your skills, insight, interest and effort. If you are interested in search engine optimization and have put all your efforts, then you can learn SEO faster. But if you want to learn SEO because others are learning it, you are not going to specialize in it anytime soon.

Apart from the personal characteristics that affect the speed of training, learning SEO from an expert is the most important determining factor. Participating in reputable SEO training courses will turn the path ahead of you into a few months in a few years.

In general, depending on the quality and type of training, the time required to learn SEO professionally can vary between 6 months to a year.


The last word
If you want your website to have a place on the first page of search engines, you need to optimize it for search engines. Site optimization requires sufficient knowledge and expertise. If you are planning to SEO your personal business website or become a professional SEO who SEOs other people’s websites, you need to learn and train.

Depending on whether you want to learn SEO from free resources or attend specialist training courses, you will need to spend some time and money studying, studying and practicing.



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