Website design is a mixture of knowledge, art and creativity using visual elements, and engineering ability to put them together. When a site is designed based on the principles and harmony of components, in addition to attracting the constant gaze of the audience, it can become a lasting work, regardless of time constraints.

Today, ordering a website design is on the list of priorities of any company or business. Business owners know that the number of Internet users is increasing day by day and having a good position in the virtual world needs special attention. Increasing the effectiveness of a site in attracting the attention of the audience and also the specialization of the website design profession, requires that we have a professional look at this category.

Website design is a mixture of knowledge, art and creativity using visual elements, and engineering ability to put them together. When a site is designed based on the principles and harmony of components, in addition to attracting the constant gaze of the audience, it can become a lasting work, regardless of time constraints.

Today, ordering a website design is on the list of priorities of any company or business. Business owners know that the number of Internet users is increasing day by day and having a good position in the virtual world needs special attention. Increasing the effectiveness of a site in attracting the attention of the audience and also the specialization of the website design profession, requires that we have a professional look at this category.

The Impact of Website Design on Businesses

Thousands of websites are launched daily in the world, hundreds of websites in Iran and probably dozens of websites that are your direct or indirect competitor. Finding a suitable and strong position in this is a success that is not easily achieved and the rules for doing so are in the expertise of professional site designers. Zhik Agency Creativity Agency, with its comprehensive knowledge of cyberspace, examines your business and designs your website according to your needs and the tastes of your audience. In this way, you can properly introduce your business in the virtual world and present your services and products to your audience well by designing a professional site.

If you already have a website but it has been operating for a long time, we suggest that you leave it to experienced web designers and analysts to review your site and make changes and optimizations if necessary; In this case, you can move according to the latest website design technology. If you do not already have a website, the experienced Zhik Agency team is ready to provide you with a clear path in online business by designing a creative and up-to-date website.

Why do we need site design? Site or social networks?

Suppose you have a store website, it is not enough to just connect with your audience or show them photos of products, but you should provide a comprehensive and appropriate store website, conditions that users can buy easily and quickly. . You can also accurately manage user visit statistics, sales and all activities.

Of course, by doing social media marketing, you can manage your activity in this space and get the best results from it.

Professional website design

Expertise involved in website design

Different people and specialties are involved in the site design process. Over the years of professional activity in this field, Zhik Agency has brought together the most skilled and specialized in the field of website design in the form of a cohesive team to achieve the best possible output. Your site design order from the first step, ie consulting to the last step, ie launching, will be entrusted to the best people. Just as in building a tall tower, different people with different specialties work together, in Zhik Agency , the site design project is done by analysts, designers, programmers, supporters and project managers in a coordinated and structured way. After the complete implementation of the site, the digital marketing and content marketing experts of Zhik Agency present their professional suggestions to the esteemed customers for a glorious entrance and a successful presence in the virtual environment.

Factors and concepts of site design

Website design is always done in a specific framework and format. Observing the standards and principles of website design as well as paying attention to the latest technologies of website design is effective in this regard.

Website design standards

Website design, ie the site should be designed in accordance with the latest technologies and standards in the world. One of the most important rules that Zhik Agency considers in website design is SEO and website optimization in terms of structure. Zhik Agency SEO analysts review all the points so that the website is produced according to the standards and approved by search engines. We know the mindset of search engines and help them get to know you too, to eventually lead to a better position.

Basic site design

Just as creating a work of art requires knowing the tastes of the audience and visual elements such as colors, images, and so on, the same is true of site design. Understanding the color combination, the harmony of the site components and the knowledge of their arrangement together, which has been gained over the years of web experience, is one of the main principles of site design that we adhere to.


Mobile phones and tablets should not be forgotten. Today, a large number of users use their mobile phones to search the Internet, so it requires that the website be designed in a responsive way so that it is displayed correctly on the screens of all mobile phones and tablets.

Site speed

In the tight competition of sites for visibility, the faster you are, the better you will be seen. Achieving the standard speed of loading the pages of the site is a specialized matter that has a significant place in the design methods of Zhik Agency . In this regard, factors such as the loading volume of each page separately and the loading volume of the entire site are measured. Hosting a site with a powerful hosting is only part of the job, and optimal coding and the use of the most appropriate tools guarantee the high speed of the website.

Corporate site invoices

We believe that designing a company website should be such that it provides a proper and professional image of your business. A significant number of first-time visitors get acquainted with a company’s business through its website. Therefore, the design of the company’s website should be such that it provides comprehensive and useful information about the company’s activities in the best possible way and turns the visitor into a permanent fan at the very first visit.

Store site invoices

The criteria for the success of a store in the city are significantly different from the criteria for the success of an online store. Zhik Agency  Creativity Agency is an ideal choice for ordering store site design due to its complete familiarity with the online business environment and customer behavior on these sites. The store site should be able to develop and expand in the future to be well receptive to new products and a large number of customers. Today, Zhik Agency designs a website for tomorrow. Due to the constant development of web technologies and changing tastes of users, a website should be able to accept new features in the future with a suitable platform.

Website design prices and costs

Determining the cost of site design is an important issue in concluding a contract with the employer. The very low costs you see in some ads, or the sometimes very unreasonably high costs, indicate unprofessional pricing to design a website. At Zhik Agency , a detailed list of your needs and services to be provided for your site is prepared and the final cost is determined based on it. So be comfortable thinking about offering a reasonable cost for designing a professional site.

Creativity in website design

When the signature of creativity is at the heart of the work, it clearly distinguishes it from others. That is why the sites designed by Zhik Agency have always been unique in the eyes of the audience. The final criterion for identifying a successful site design is the level of interaction and presence of users in it. If all the steps of site design are done according to the right rule, it will become a good and lasting experience for users and will make them permanent fans.

Dedicated website design and distinction

In today’s world and in any economic activity, if there is no difference with competitors, the path to success will be a difficult and long one. A unique website design can be the starting point of a big change in your business. We always try to produce attractive and special websites while observing the principles and standards.




7 Responses

  1. Hello
    What should I do to edit my site on the mobile screen? And in what language?
    What can I do to make some items move while scrolling? And in what language?

    Thanks for the tips you give.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi dear friend
      Changing the appearance of the site is done with HTML, CSS and Javascript codes. An exact tutorial of these codes cannot be provided in a comment space. If you do not have expertise in this field, we suggest that you use the knowledge and experience of an expert and spend your valuable time on business development.

  2. Greetings
    I learned html, css and js and I want to be a very skilled programmer!
    I want my work to be as exciting as your site!

    What is your suggestion regarding learning other languages that I have to learn or it is better to learn in order to be a professional ?!

    Thank you…

    1. Hi dear friend
      Programming language is a tool. What matters is your mastery of that language and your creativity in producing an efficient site. In our opinion, it does not matter what language you follow, it is important that you are well acquainted with its features and become an expert in that field.

  3. You explained the factors and concepts of site design very well. Thank you for this content and the unique design of your site.

  4. Hello
    Is it possible to check the UI and UX of a particular whebsite? In fact, how can these two be analyzed and what are its items?

    1. Hi dear friend
      Examining the interface and user experience on sites requires high expertise in this area and a deep understanding of your goal when setting up the site (Internet business) and it is not possible to provide the same instructions for all sites. To do this, we suggest that you seek the help of an expert and do not trust the tools.

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